Monthly Archives: April 2019

Earthday 2019

2019-04-22T08:24:14+00:00 April 22nd, 2019|

Modesto hosted its 31st “Earthday in the Park” last Saturday. McCoy was there, enjoying the weather and telling passers by about commercial tire retreading. This was our 2nd year in a row participating in the event. This year our booth featured an all-new tire rack. Last year we learned that the tire stands we usually

Motorhome Tire Care

2019-04-09T18:27:31+00:00 April 9th, 2019|

April showers bring May flowers. Vibrant colors burst forth. America takes to the road. The Golden State becomes the green and flowery state. It’s spectacular! If you need work done on your motorhome’s tires, we’re an excellent resource to you. Scott has stem kits that convert your duals to single-valve. If your motorhome needs an